Caregiver Resources in Massachusetts (and beyond)
Caring for others can get intense — in some good ways and other not-so-good ways. There are all kinds of resources across the Commonwealth that may be able to help.
Drivers are the things that make Caregiver Intensity go up. Explore the resources below for your specific drivers making caregiving feel more intense.
Respite & relief programs: Your local Area Agency on Aging offers senior services, programs, and supports for the recipient and caregiver. Select your city/town from the list and call to connect to programs for caregivers.
ARCH National Respite Network: Provides tons of useful info about how to understand, plan for, find, and pay for support in being able take a break from caregiving when you need it.
Alzheimer’s Association respite resources: Offers in-person and virtual support groups for caregivers and individuals dealing with Alzheimer’s or dementia.
Massachusetts Family Caregiver Support Program: if you are 55 or older and caring for someone over 60, this program provides information and resources to help you navigate your unique needs, including information about support groups, education and training programs, respite, and other services in your area. Click the link or call MassOptions at (800) 243-4636 and ask to speak with a caregiver specialist in your community.
Respite for caregivers of children with disabilities: Caregiver to Caregiver (C2C) Network helps you take a break while building connections with other caregivers like you through a match process. Staff provides initial and ongoing support to anyone involved in providing and receiving respite care. For children with disabilities up to the age of 26. Multilingual and multicultural. Application required.
Massachusetts 211: Find the help you need right in your community. Includes help with food, housing, paying bills, child care, support in a family crisis or community disaster. Available by phone or online chat.
Dollar For: A program that helps you apply for free- or reduced-cost hospital programs that help eliminate medical expenses.
Massachusetts Senior Legal Helpline: The Volunteer Lawyers Project of Boston provides free legal information and referral services to Massachusetts residents who are 60 years old or older regarding: benefits, health care (Mass Health, Medicare), utilities, guardianship, wills/advance directives, bankruptcy, housing, family law, nursing-home rights, and more. If eligible, services are free of charge.
Information assistance: Your local Area Agency on Aging can provide information assistance on various programs and benefits your loved one. Based on your individual needs, staff will either provide information on community resources, make a referral to a partner agency, or proceed with a referral to one of their care management programs. Select your city/town from the list and call to connect to the information you need.
Medicare & Medicaid information: SHINE provides free, unbiased health insurance counseling information and assistance to Massachusetts residents with Medicare, their caregivers, and those approaching Medicare eligibility.
Help paying Medicare costs: Program to lower Medicare premiums and other healthcare costs, including prescriptions. Application required. For questions, call MassHealth at (800) 841-2900 or schedule an appointment with a SHINE Counselor at (800) 243-4636
Massachusetts 211: Guidance on finding the help you need right in your community. Includes help with food, housing, paying bills, child care, support in a family crisis or community disaster. Available by phone or online chat.
Legal resources for low-income elders: Collected by the MA Executive Office of Elder Affairs, this is a list of legal resources providing free/low cost legal services to low-income elders. Includes help with divorce and family problems, wills and estate planning, public assistance like food stamps, Medicare and Medicaid, social security, and more.
Boston legal resources: Provides a list of legal service programs that help with non-criminal legal problems such as: divorce and family problems, wills and estate planning, public assistance like food stamps (SNAP), Medicare and Medicaid, social security, and more
Central/Western MA - Community legal aid: The Elder Law unit provides legal services for persons 60-years-old and older involving housing; SSI and Social Security disability and other Social Security issues; access to healthcare benefits including Medicare; nursing-home rights; SNAP (food stamps) and other benefits; family law, including physical abuse; and financial exploitation.
Caregiver Action Network - Family caregivers and the role of sibling caregiving: Provides strategies for managing the family dynamics related to sharing caring responsibilities.
Family Caregiver Alliance - Caregiving with your siblings: Guidance and insight on issues to consider when caring for an aging parent with your siblings.
Massachusetts Family Caregiver Support Program: if you are 55 or older and caring for someone over 60, this program provides information and resources to help you navigate your unique needs, including information about support groups, education and training programs, respite, and other services in your area. Click the link or call MassOptions at (800) 243-4636 and ask to speak with a caregiver specialist in your community.
Alzheimer’s Association support group: Offers in-person and virtual support groups for caregivers and individuals dealing with Alzheimer’s or dementia.
Eldercare Locator: Connects older Americans and their caregivers with trustworthy local-support resources including services like meals, home care or transportation, or help finding services so the caregiver can take break.
Caregiver support groups: Connect with other caregivers and learn about additional resources available for caregivers. Services vary by agency. Select your city/town from the menu, and call your local Area Agency on Aging to learn more.
Grandparents raising grandchildren: A list of support groups and programs specifically for grandparents. Other helpful resources for grandparents available, too, like legal, financial, custody choices, and support services.
Caregivers of children with disabilities: Parent To Parent (P2P) connects volunteer support parents with caregivers seeking support around parenting a child with disabilities and/or medical complexities. Supports parents, grandparents and guardians. Staff provides initial intake and facilitates connection. Multilingual and multicultural. Application required.
Alzheimer’s Association support group: Offers in-person and virtual support groups for caregivers and individuals dealing with Alzheimer’s or dementia.
Massachusetts Family Caregiver Support Program: If you are 55 or older and caring for someone over 60, this program provides information and resources to help you navigate your unique needs, including information about support groups, education and training programs, respite, and other services in your area. Click the link or call MassOptions at (800) 243-4636 and ask to speak with a caregiver specialist in your community.
Caregiver support groups: Connect with other caregivers and learn about additional resources available for caregivers. Select your city/town from the list and call to connect your local Area Agency on Aging for programs.
Grandparents raising grandchildren: A list of support groups and programs specifically for grandparents. Other helpful resources for grandparents available, too, like legal, financial, custody choices, and support services.
Caregivers of children with disabilities: Parent To Parent (P2P) connects volunteer support parents with caregivers seeking support around parenting a child with disabilities and/or medical complexities. Supports parents, grandparents and guardians. Staff provides initial intake and facilitates connection. Multilingual and multicultural. Application required.
988 Lifeline: Provides 24/7, free, and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones via phone, text, and online chat.
Caregiver coaching & support: Provides assistance to find help, sort through choices, and be a listening ear when you need it. Services vary by agency. Select your city/town from the menu, and call your local Area Agency on Aging to learn more.
Parent/Grandparent Stress Line: A safe place for parents, grandparents, and caregivers to talk about the challenges of raising children and receive support to help prevent a situation from escalating into a crisis. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. (800) 632-8188
Veterans Crisis Line: 24/7 confidential crisis support for Veterans and their loved ones. You don't have to be enrolled in VA benefits or health care to connect. Click the link or dial 988 and Press "1".
Massachusetts Family Caregiver Support Program: If you are 55 or older and caring for someone over 60, this program provides information and resources to help you navigate your unique needs, including information about support groups, education and training programs, respite, and other services in your area. Click the link or call MassOptions at (800) 243-4636 and ask to speak with a caregiver specialist in your community.
Alzheimer’s Association safety information for caregivers: Caregiving doesn't come with a "how to" manual. Safety is important for everyone. Learn how to improve safety to prevent injuries and help the person with Alzheimer’s feel more relaxed, less overwhelmed, and maintain their independence longer. Boost your confidence, too.
Powerful Tools for Caregivers: Free in-person or virtual classes where you will learn about managing your stress, improving confidence, time management and problem solving, better communicating your feelings, making tough decisions, and more. Classes are provided for caregivers of adults with chronic conditions, and for caregivers of children with special health or behavioral needs.
Caregiver coaching & support: Provides assistance to find help, sort through choices, and be a listening ear when you need it. Services vary by city/town. Select your city/town from the menu, and call your local Area Agency on Aging to learn more.
Caregiver soaching & support: Provides assistance to find help, sort through choices, and be a listening ear when you need it. Services vary by city/town. Select your city/town from the menu, and call your local Area Agency on Aging to learn more.
Alzheimer’s Association - What to expect: Take an empowering step by learning more about the changes you and your loved one may experience, and preparing for what may come next. Online menus allow you to move between topics.
Massachusetts Family Caregiver Support Program: If you are 55 or older and caring for someone over 60, this program provides information and resources to help you navigate your unique needs, including information about support groups, education and training programs, respite, and other services in your area. Click the link or call MassOptions at (800) 243-4636 and ask to speak with a caregiver specialist in your community.if you are 55 or older and caring for someone over 60, this program provides information and resources to help you navigate your unique needs, including information about support groups, education and training programs, respite, and other services in your area. Click the link or call MassOptions at (800) 243-4636 and ask to speak with a caregiver specialist in your community.
Massachusetts Family Caregiver Support Program: If you are 55 or older and caring for someone over 60, this program provides information and resources to help you navigate your unique needs, including information about support groups, education and training programs, respite, and other services in your area. Click the link or call MassOptions at (800) 243-4636 and ask to speak with a caregiver specialist in your community.
Caregiver support groups: Connect with other caregivers and learn about additional resources available for caregivers through our local Area Agency on Aging.
Massachusetts Department of Family & Medical Leave: Oversees the Commonwealth’s Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) program. This program provides temporary income replacement to eligible workers who are welcoming a new child into their family, are struck by a serious illness or injury, need to take care of an ill or ailing relative, and for certain military considerations.
Caregiver Action Network - I have a job & I’m the caregiver for my loved one: Resources to help you think through all the things impacted when you have a job and care for someone.
WebMD - How to balance work & caregiving: Offers how-tos and tips for work and caregiving, including talking to your manager, making a backup plan, paid leave, and more.
Massahusetts Department of Family & Medical Leave: Oversees the Commonwealth’s Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) program. This program provides temporary income replacement to eligible workers who are welcoming a new child into their family, are struck by a serious illness or injury, need to take care of an ill or ailing relative, and for certain military considerations.
The Caregiver’s Voice - Successfully speaking to your employer about caregiving support : Tips for how to talk to your employer about your caregiving responsibilities.
A Better Balance - Paid sick leave info: An overview of your rights to paid sick leave as a resident of Massachusetts.
Other things making caregiving more intense? The resources below can help meet your specific needs to lower your Intensity Score.
Economic assistance & cash benefits - MA Dept. Transitional Aid: Provides cash aid to individuals and families who qualify. Benefits include: Case management; monthly cash payments to help you pay for necessities like housing, utilities, and clothing; childcare; transportation; health insurance; education; training and employment opportunities. Click link or call (877) 382-2363.
MA Good Neighbor Energy Fund: This fund is available to MA residents who, because of temporary financial difficulty, cannot meet a month’s energy expense and are not eligible for state or federal energy assistance. Income must fall between 60 and 80 percent of the state’s median income levels. Click to connect.
Massachusetts 211: Find the help you need right in your community. Includes help with food, housing, paying bills, child care, support in a family crisis or community disaster. Available by phone or online chat.
MA VA 115 Benefits: Financial assistance on a case-by-case basis for help with things like rent, utilities, groceries, clothing, insurance premiums, and travel expenses to and from major medical facilities. Click the link to find your town's/district's Veterans' Service Officer to learn about and apply for benefits.
Find a local food bank - State of MA: Provides a list of major food banks by geographic area (Eastern/Central/Western/Northeastern MA), including emergency-food assistance.
Massachusetts 211: Find the help you need right in your community. Includes help with food, housing, paying bills, child care, support in a family crisis or community disaster. Available by phone or online chat.
Meals on Wheels: Delivers hot meals to homebound seniors on a sliding scale fee. Select your town to find the agency that serves your area. Must apply for services.
Emergency Food Assistance Program - State of MA: The Emergency Food Assistance Program helps you get food. Click the link to your regional food bank to get started.
Massachusetts 211: Provides help finding the help you need right in your community. Includes help with food, housing, paying bills, support in a family crisis or community disaster. Available by phone or online chat.
Help for Veterans: The New England Center and Home for Veterans helps Veterans in homelessness or at risk for it, along with their families and supporters, connect to services and programs available. Call (617) 371-1800 or click the link.
Local Area Agency on Aging: Helps seniors and their families find transportation options and plan for a senior’s driving retirement. They can help with everything from getting to the store, to doctor’s appointments, or out to visit friends and family. Services vary by city/town. Select your city/town from the menu, and call your local Area Agency on Aging to learn more.
RideMatch: Transportation for non-emergencies. A one-stop searchable directory of public, private and accessible transportation options in Massachusetts. Call 211 for assistance.
MassHealth: Apply for MassHealth (Medicaid), the Health Safety Net, and Children's Medical Security Plan benefits. Also, connect to resources to answer your questions and help you apply and enroll in services. Must be eligible to enroll.
SHINE: Free, unbiased health insurance counseling information and assistance to Massachusetts residents with Medicare, their caregivers and those approaching Medicare eligibility.
Adult Education & Professional Development: Provides programs to develop literacy skills needed to qualify for further education, job training, and better employment. Free and funded by the State of Massachusetts.
Adult Education Program Directory: Connect directly with adult education programs in your area to get your high school diploma and even transition into higher education. Eligibility requirements apply. Free through the State of Massachusetts.
Career, training, & employment: MassOptions connects you to services and programs directly — vocational training, supported employment, job-placement services and supports to pursue a certificate or degree. Training programs also include skills training to promote independent living. Call, email, or chat online with a specialist to understand your options. Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, call (800) 243-4636
Your local YMCA: Resources to help with childcare, after school activities, camps, and other programs to keep kids active. Just click the link to find the YMCA location nearest you.
Head Start Program: Provides education and childcare from birth to five years at no cost to qualifies families (based on household income). Click link to find the Early Start program closest to you.
Childcare & financial assistance: Guidance finding the help you need right in your community, including locating childcare and assistance in paying for it. Available by phone or online chat.
Child development & care: Mass211 provides help paying for childcare to qualifying families with low income. Click on the link to apply or call 211 to get started.
Whether you’re caring close to home or from a distance, use the resources below to find help in the place where you need it most.
ARCHANGELS provides links to free resources based on what’s available in your area and what’s most driving your Caregiver Intensity. There are also resources for specific caregiving situations, like if you’re a Veteran caregiver or someone caring for Veteran. You can also learn how to include your caregiving experience on your resume.
Talk to an expert on the resources in your area who will guide you through your need. Calls made to 2-1-1 are confidential and can be anonymous. This is a 24/7 service that you can contact to aid you in meeting basic needs such as health care, housing, food, addiction, and other needs you may have.
FINDHELP.ORG is a website that can connect you to resources in your area for financial assistance, food delivery, housing assistance, mental health, and more. Resources are free or reduced cost. Once you put in your zip code, thousands of resources are provided for you, and Findhelp even walks you through the next steps required for each resource.
Eldercare Locator focuses on connecting older adult and their families to support. They provide you with the helpful agencies in your zip code and specific resources for caregivers, including this resource for long-distance care. They also offer information on elderly rights, and can answer questions and help navigate Medicare/Medicaid.